Its not new information that telegram is home to a lot of airdrops, hence airdrop hunters go there to search for airdrops, however as a result a lot of scammers also go to telegram and create airdrops for the sole purpose of ripping people of their hard earned monies. In this article I would be dropping the steps that would enable you detect 97% of scam airdrops.
Steps on how to detect scam airdrops
1. Try to get the CONTACT ADDRESS (ca) of the airdrop token, the ca basically contains 99% of the information about the token, you can always get the ca for most airdrops by asking for the ca in the chatgroup, the ca is usually something like this (0xc0E6AD13BD58413Ed308729b688d601243E1CF77)
see also; MARINA PROTOCOL: how to start mining pSurf
2. After getting the ca go to and paste the ca in the searchbar at the top right corner of the site, the airdrop you’re scanning for should pop up if you have the right CA FOR MOST AIRDROP
3.Tap on the token you’re scanning for and it should give you an image like the one below
4. Compare the amount of liquidity the token has to its market cap (MKT CAP) if the distance/ratio is too much should be the first indication of a scam(a good airdrop should have at least 1:15 liquidity to mcap ratio also if theres a warning of very little liquidity, it is a scam.
4.Scroll down to the go+ security and token sniffer section as illustrated below
Check for the score the token has over 100 on the token sniffer section any score below 65/100 indicates a scam and foul play
so with this method you should be able to know which of most tg airdrops is a scam,also any telegram airdrop that requires you to transfer a certain amount as gas fees before you’re able to withdraw is 99% a scam.